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Girls STEM Institute (GSI)
Girls STEM Institute (GSI) provides girls of color, traditionally marginalized in STEM fields, an opportunity to develop an understanding of mathematics and other STEM concepts in a meaningful and culturally grounded context. Within GSI’s rich, rigorous, relevant, and ​supportive​ context, young ladies have the freedom to grow ​interpersonally ​and ​intellectually.

Founder and Executive Director
Dr. Crystal Morton is an Associate Professor of mathematics education at Indiana University Indianapolis (IUI) and Past-President of the Benjamin Banneker Mathematics Association. Her passion for providing Black girls and young women transformative learning experiences drives her research, teaching, and service. Focusing on the mathematics and personal development of Black girls and young women, Dr. Morton founded Girls STEM Institute. Girls STEM Institute aims to transform communities by empowering Girls of Color to become leaders, innovators, and educators, who use STEM as a tool for personal and social change.
Meet Crystal Morton

WHY GIVE to Girls STEM Institute?
Only two percent of scientists and engineers are Black women.
The percentage of women of color – particularly Black and Hispanic workers – in the industry stands at single digits. Within a decade, America will be short 1 million STEM professionals.
African American girls only represent 5% of AP math and science students, but 8% of those enrolled in basic mathematics and science classes.
Educational professionals steer African American girls away from rigorous math and science courses in high schools.

STEM Institute Goals
Girls STEM Institute strives to change these statistics by providing young ladies of color an opportunity to engage with rigorous and relevant mathematics and other STEM concepts in an environment that will not only support their academic development but their emotional and social development. Our goal is to increase the flow of underrepresented groups to upper-level mathematics courses as well as other STEM-related degrees and careers.
STEM Institute (GSI)
Relevant LinksCareer in STEM STEM Gems Math Strategies and Problem Solving Black kids read For Harriet
Relevant CentersGreat Lakes Equity Center
Professional Associations/OrganizationsABRCMS Benjamin Banneker Mathematics Association Black Girls Code Black Girls Do STEM Black Girl Math Magic Black Girls Rock Black in Robotics Indiana LSAMP IU Melvin and Bren Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center Summer Research Program NSBE | Supporting Black Engineers and Scientists National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering National Alliance of Black School Educators National Association for Research in Science Teaching National Coalition of 100 Black Women National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Girls Collaborative National Science Teaching Association TODOS : Mathematics For All

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